This iPhone mobile application aims to improve the quality of relationships between friends and family members separated by distance. Onteama provides an intimate social platform where creative storytelling is the medium meant to help strengthen the bond between people.
Project involved:
UX/UI design, Product design, Film production
Project Overview
People are looking to improve the quality of their relationships with those they are physically distant from. Those who are in long distance relationships experience a great deal of psychological stress when trying to stay close and intimate with those they love.
Business Value
Using Oteama's collaborative storytelling social platform provides people an intimate and enjoyable method of communicating with friends and family, reducing stress caused by physical distance. Mobile carriers can experience a potential revenue increase through new customers and data plans.
UX Direction
A seamless method of communication exchange was a primary focus. Using vocal exchange was an integrated feature meant to meet user needs. This direction resulted in improved social interactions for users and a cross sell of mobile carriers services.
- Subject matter research
- Competitive analysis
- User interviews & behavior study
- User surveys
- User personas
- Product features & prioritization matrix
- User flows
- Application sitemap
- Annotated wireframes
- High fidelity clickable inVision prototype
- Use case prototype video
User Research

Research Analysis

User Testing


Prototype Use Case Video
Visual Design Treatment